Welcome to my Blog! I am searching for the piece of puzzle which completes me and I do believe that everyone should be able to get theirs

Monday, November 15, 2010

On the way of transformation....

I guessed this is how a young lady become mature and tough, drive all the way into the city that she totally has no idea about it and try to figure out a given point. Yeah, I am learning, learning how to be capable, learning how to handle everything by myself, the day I depends on someone is overed, and I guess that is how every lady in audit firm being brought up, and here sooner I will lose the only remaining little childish personality in myself. Can I just stay as what I am now?

at least when I get tired, I wishes I can still slack like a kid, whining a bit, so that I could earn some rests...

p/s: listen to the sad songs from my CD player, and drive in the dark rainny night, it makes me feel that I am lonely~ heart being left alone makes the loneliness double up...

luckily, I know someone is waiting for me at my ultimate destination... you will never be alone with family~

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1 comment:

~G~ said...

know what ..
u still at least have family nearby around you and you get to see them everyday ..
i teruk lor ....
so so so far away ....
aiks ...