Welcome to my Blog! I am searching for the piece of puzzle which completes me and I do believe that everyone should be able to get theirs

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


1:43am I am still thinking what to crap for my Accounting Information System assignment, I need 300words more and I need to do my bibliography... I wonder, is that I really do not know what to write or because it is not the last day before the due so my brain refuses to come out with better idea?! ARGH! even myself do not know my brain well....

Perhaps I should take a break before continue....

P/S: two most frequent sentences I heard yesterday...
1. Hey...you cut your hair?
2. Why you suddenly cut your hair until so short?
anyway the feedback i get from my frens about my new hair style is averagely good....LoL

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1 comment:

~G~ said...

arh ~
never see you ner ~