Day1 - 10.12.2009
Manage to arrive in KLIA before 12a.m., checked in and then we shop around in duty free shop. Buy nothing there because we were trying to do price research before we decided to spend either in china or Malaysia. Boarding to the plane and then I slept, only awaken when the stewardess asking what i wpould like to eat for my supper. After having the heavy meal for my supper, I slept again...
Arrive at Pudong around 6 something, felt the cool air immediately after I go down from the plane. Here I come!! Shanghai!!
Gone through the custom checking and then finally met up with my brother. Travel to the hotel in taxi and on the way to the hotel, I saw the china main building for EXPO 2010. Failed to capture any photos from the taxi due to rainny day.
First stop in shanghai - 南京路Nanjing Road
One of the hittest shopping area in shanghai and it is "must-go" for tourist. My mum and dad bought their own dinner attire and I get my boots... evening is ard the corner, is time to meet up my brother's parent-in-law for dinner...
First dinner in china, i tried 大闸蟹.. not really my fav coz major part of the crab is eggs... A bit cultural shock for me because they ordered for like 10 dishes for the meal and i learned that selling cooking oil in china will definitely earn a lot... they food is really oily...
Day 2 - 11.12.2009
Second day in China, meet up my brother a bit late today because sleeping too much the da morning.. and today we are going to 城隍庙... Doing shopping around there until evening, stuffs in this place are much more cheaper as you can bargain like mad.. Rule to bargain in China: Do not be too soft or else you will get bully by the shopper... If you feel it is too expensive then just tell them, your price is too high and then they ll ask you "so what price you wanna pay?" Haha.. trying to learn it from my bro and sister in law.. *try hard* but I dunno Shanghai lauguage.. If not sure having advantages on bargaining...
Going back in the evening and meet up with bro's parent-in-law again..
Hang out with my brother at night without my parent as we are going to the clubbing zone in Shanghai, and get know my bro's BFF a.k.a his groomsmen. Heard my brother mentioned about him since I am in the primary and finally know him in person...
Day 3 - 12.12.2009
At first we just plan to visit the Oriental Pearl Tower, but then end up joining the one day trip for Shanghai.. Missed the manicure session with my sister-in-law and walked until my leg is tired. Then at the end of the trip, the tour guide did not sent us back to hotel.. So we took Mrt by our own.
Before I forgotten, the trip actually brought us to a shop which sells jade and gems. The
FUNNIEST thing I heard today is :

the boss think all of the members of the trip are from china and i guess that is why he said it...
Having steamboat as dinner tonite and their steamboat is really nicee... *slurpp*
To be continue.....