有人说双子很坚强,什么都不在乎,是阿,表面的双子确实很坚强,但是内心他们比任何人都脆弱,也许这也是风向>> >>> > 星座的人的一个特性,决不会让别人看到自己脆弱的一面,因为他们都是一个有一双别人看不见翅膀的天使,天生就会给别人带来快乐,双子们的眼泪是透明的,别人看不见,可是自己却能看得很清楚这样的透明的泪给自己开来双倍的痛。>> > >> >
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009
Since I have nothing better to do, I decided to crap again! Welcome back to the 'art of crap', it is something that I create with my friend last time but I did not used it for long time. 'Forgive' how far you could forgive the actions that your friends, your lover, or your family bring to you? Is that okie that if a person is stabbing you with a knife now and saying sorry to you at next next moment is forgivable? I am pretty sure that most people wouldn't forgive the person right? I am one of them... Sometimes, saying sorry when u did a mistake is helpful but it depends on what have u done. Some mistakes is serious enough until the victims of the action are not able to forgive you even billion of sorries were said..because the action is hurting everyone involve and it is no point for you to say sorry after everyone get injured badly... The people involved have 2 choices, either forgive the person and let yourself getting hurt again or refuse to do so and let the injured to cure? But many people still hope that the first option will lead them to a better ending which the person actually changed.
p/s: sorry for reminds anyone of you who recall back some bad memories because of this post. And the most important is this is only a piece of crap.. dun ever ask me what happened to me after reading this..
Found something very cool from the net today after loitering on internet for the whole night:
不要为了一个不值得你等的人而去等候, 因为值得你等的人不会让你等....
Monday, June 1, 2009
Being 21st
I will officially turns 21 tomorrow... Nothing specials happened this year, think I will still getting angpau money from my parent as usual...
Feelings of being 21st? hmm.. What can I said? I am just getting older and the resposibilities that I need to carry will keep increase and it never decrease.. just told my mum that how's great if I am turning 12 tomorrow and not 21? I dunno why everytime I am having birthday, I never be glad like other people do? Other people will celebrate it but I just do not understand why people feel happy when they actually know themselves getting more adult now, and the matters they need to worry about is increasing? hmm.. perhaps I am being too worry... my thinking sounds like those woman aged 35+ and still remains single who desperates for a Mr. right before they turn 40..hahahahaha..just kidding..
Thank you my mum for gave birth 21 years ago and take care of me for over 21 years, I should appreciate what I have now, at least I am healthy, my mum and dad is still with me and I have so many lovely and friendly friends.
Anyway I am turning 21st tomorrow and officially become an adult! This is the fact and I shall accept it!
What?!... I want to be a kid, forever~ *whine*
21st Birthday wishes:
1. 希望家人与朋友都健康,平安
2. all my friends pass their final
3. secret!
P/S: thank you BK for your birthday present..u r the first person give it to me this year.. love the cookies...