Honestly, I do not understand why my university arranged school reopened in 22nd september, after one week of schooling, we have our Hari Raya Holidays again!!! Aiks, just make me become more lazy...
Now, I am having my Hari Raya Holidays and I have no idea what to do during this holiday... Everyday wakeup around 10am and have my breakfast then sometimes reading newspaper or sometimes switch on my computer and surf net... then having my lunch again.... hmm... i think that is the reason why I am gaining weight... Perhaps I should go for exercise; but if I want to follow my dad to jog I need to wake up around 6:30am... ARGH!! I can't make it..
I read people's blog for this afternoon, many of my friends do not upload their blog for long time especially HIM!!! Already left Malaysia for so many weeks but never upload post about ur life there... Also if I want to see the photos of you I need to log into Frienster... Come on... Upload some photos in Facebook, it just takes you a few minutes, not going to kill you, anyway wish you all the best there...hehe
Reading other people's blog especially notties recalled back my memories, especially the happy moments we share together when we just start our life journey in Nottingham Malaysia... Now I start thinking
What is the secret recipe we have which makes all of us so happy last time? Being happy and excited very often. I really miss my first year...
'Events' that i miss included:
1)Celebration of Royle's birthday
2)Trip to genting
3)Celebration of Mayjoan's birthday which tiring but fun and memorable!!
4)Karaoke-s in green box
5)Cycling in Taman Pertanian
6)Camwhore with Jenn and the soft-toys ^^ - I still keeps the copy..
7)Last but not least... The days we spend in hostel when hongmei still around
*sigh* I m sure ll miss gabe when I am rushing for my assignment...
Wondering why i laugh so much last year....
Conclusion: year 1 -> year 2 -> Mature -> lesser 'crazy' thoughts -> lesser funs -> life becomes boring.... What could I say? Can I be kid...Forever?!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I am Bored!! that is why I blog!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008
A picture speaks thousand words.
It is true; either speaks thousand of happiness or speak thousand of sadness. Some pictures are carrying happy messages at first but turn to be sad at the last.
I should stop myself from looking at it... Perhaps I should throw it away... Come on!! Life still goes on no matter how you feel right?!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
New room, new timetable, new lecturer, a new year....
NEW!! NEW!! NEW!! Finally I went back to my university after 3 months of summer holidays... I checked in for hostel on 18th and registered on 19th... Thank you to the staff of the accommodation office for not allocated my room in the Kapas or Pangkor Hall... I am currently staying in Tioman hall which allocated in the circle of Residence Hall. However the view out of my room is not as good as last year, I still love my previous room which is more windy and with night view faces to the sport complex.
New semester will start on 22nd September 2008. I have to gearing up this year because beginning from year 2 the results of examination will be included to grade my degree... Hope to get better results this year and hope that everything will go smooth ...Although people keep saying face challenges will train myself to be stronger but I still prefer smooth sailing =P
P/S: I hate people who ffk... FFK makes me feels lame... Don't ask me for outing if yourself do not comfirm about it
Here are the photos from my room...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
It does not blossom on this season
Finally... I went!! But I think I would not go there again for years, not as fun as I thought.
3 unhappy things for this time:
1st: the one I love does not blossom in this season
2nd: Fail to shoot a nice one, only few of them which I think is barely satisfied
3rd: Accident happened on the second day
Here are those which are barely satisfied:
It's all about strawberries in this visit, and I LOVE STRAWBERRIES... >.<
I found an interesting insect in this trip
Is this spider? It has 4 legs instead of 8...
Friday, September 5, 2008
Play with Jewellery Seal
After resigned my summer part-time job... I am so boring staying at home a whole day long... Although sometimes I went out to meet my friends and go for shopping but I still needs activities to kill my time...
Jewellery Seal is just a 3D sticker or maybe I should say is diamond sticker....
I had saw many people stick it on their cellphone...So I decided to buy it and DIY at home... But due to I am not that expert yet in doing the Jewelery seal, I try it out on my thumbdrive first....
Before Jewellery Seal:
After the Jewellery seal:
Tadah~~~Nice or not nice?? Special edition for me.... But I think the jewelleries will drop easily...( '_*)